print Statement


         ┌───── ";" ◄────┐                  
         ▼               │                  
"print" ───► Expression ─┴─┬───────────► EOL
                           │         ▲      
                           └─► ";" ──┘      


The print statement is the simplest way to display something on the screen. Each print statement produces a line of text on the screen. The following example displays two lines of text: First line! and Second line!. After printing the two lines, the cursor is positioned on the third line, ready for the next line of printed output.
┌─ Code ───────────────────────────────────┐   ╔═ Console ═══════════════╗
│sub Main()                                │   ║First line!              ║
│    print "First line!"                   │   ║Second line!             ║
│    print "Second line!"                  │   ║█                        ║
│end sub                                   │   ║                         ║
└──────────────────────────────────────────┘   ╚═════════════════════════╝
To display multiple things on the same line, place a semicolon at the end of the statement. Then, the cursor will remain at the end of the line so that further text can be printed on the same line.
' displays "Hello world!" on a single line
print "Hello ";
print "world!"
As a shortcut, you can combine these statements into one:
' displays "Hello world!"
print "Hello "; "world!"
The print statement can display the contents of variables.
' displays "Hello, John! You are 52 years old!"
dim name = "John"
dim age = 52
print "Hello, "; name; "! You are "; age; " years old!"
When used together with the input statement, a program can have an interactive conversation with the user.
┌─ Code ───────────────────────────────────┐   ╔═ Console ═══════════════╗
│sub Main()                                │   ║Pythagorean Theorem      ║
│    print "Pythagorean Theorem"           │   ║Enter the side lengths.  ║
│    print "Enter the side lengths."       │   ║Leg A: 3                 ║
│                                          │   ║Leg B: 4                 ║
│    print "Leg A: ";                      │   ║Hypotenuse is 5          ║
│    dim a as Number                       │   ║█                        ║
│    input a                               │   ║                         ║
│                                          │   ║                         ║
│    print "Leg B: ";                      │   ║                         ║
│    dim b as Number                       │   ║                         ║
│    input b                               │   ║                         ║
│                                          │   ║                         ║
│    dim c = Sqr(a^2 + b^2)                │   ║                         ║
│    print "Hypotenuse is "; c             │   ║                         ║
│end sub                                   │   ║                         ║
└──────────────────────────────────────────┘   ╚═════════════════════════╝