List Type

A List is an ordered array of values of a single specified type.
dim <VARIABLE> as List of <TYPE>
If you have items of type String, then a list of those items would be List of String.
dim <VARIABLE> = [ <ITEM>, ... ]
The literal syntax for lists matches that of JavaScript and other common languages. Surround a comma-separated list of items with square brackets to create a list.
dim x = [ ... ]
print x(0)
Lists are zero-indexed, meaning that the first item in a list is at index 0. Use parentheses to access items in a list by passing in the index of the item you want.
dim x = [ 1, 2, 3 ]
dim y = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
dim z = x + y + 7
Lists can be concatenated with the + operator. The + operator can also append individual items to a list.
dim list myList
for i = 1 to 10
yield i
end dim
If you need to build up a list, use dim list rather than repeatedly appending to the list.
for each x in myList
print x
Use for each to iterate over the items in a list.