Record Type

A record is a group of fields treated as a single unit. For example, a record for a person might have fields for the person's name, age, and address. A record for a book might have fields for the book's title, author, and ISBN number.
You could store these fields in separate variables, but storing them together in a record makes it possible to pass them around as a unit. Putting records into a List is a common way to store tabular data.
' Anonymous record
dim <VARIABLE> as Record (<FIELD> as <TYPE>, ...)
' Named record
type <TYPE-NAME>
end type
You can give a name to a record type by using a type block. List the fields one per line.
Using the Record (...) syntax, records can be passed around without needing to define a type with a name.
' Literal anonymous record
dim x = { foo: 1, bar: 2 }
' To get a named record, cast from a literal anonymous record to the named type.
dim x = { foo: 1, bar: 2 } as MyRecord
This literal syntax is a convenient and efficient way to construct records.
Access fields using the . operator.